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Well Behaved Women


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Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History

"It pays to be good, but it doesn't pay a lot."
Mae West

  What did it mean to be a well behaved woman in the 19th century during those early days of social reform?  Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, the author of this now famous statement about women, wrote "Well behaved women make history when they do the unexpected . . . they didn't ask to be remembered." This engaging program remembers and honors them, introducing audiences to a few of the mavericks and trailblazers who dared to do the unexpected and lead the way to new opportunities for women.  Adventurers, reformers,  politicians, women of science and medicine. Did I say you'd meet just a few? Alas, so many women, so little time!

Customize this program by choosing stories of women that fit your event theme or curriculum. 



"Don't let the politicians convince you that asserting yourself would not be ladylike.  Maybe it wouldn't, but who wants to be ladylike anyhow when women are what's so badly needed and they have a great mission to fulfill. You don't need the vote to raise hell!"                                                                                        
Mary Harris "Mother" Jones

women in history, adventurers, mavericks, crusaders, women reformers, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, well behaved women rarely make history, well behaved women seldom make history, Susan Anderson, Dr. Mary Walker, Jennie Rogers, Carrie Chapman Catt, Josephine Roche, Margaret Brown